Western University of Canada offers QEII and Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology

Western University of Canada offers QEII and Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology

Western University of Canada offers QEII and Ontario Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology

Closing date: Depending on the award holder’s programme start date, the one-year award will begin on September 1, May 1, or January 1.

Student type: This scholarship programme is open to both domestic and foreign students.

Study level: graduate

Area of study: Any

Worth of the scholarship: $15,000 for a single year (three terms in a row)

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Description: The Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarships in Science and Technology (QEII-GSST) and Ontario Graduate Scholarships (OGS) are two programmes offered by the Ontario government in collaboration with the province’s publicly supported universities. The goal of these scholarships is to reward academic excellence in graduate study at the master’s and doctoral levels.


  • a person who meets the requirements listed in subsection 95(2) of the Immigration and Refugee Protections Act (Canada)—a Canadian citizen, a Permanent Resident, a Protected Person, or an international student with a current study permit.
  • a graduate student enrolled in (or seeking admission to) a Western graduate programme that has been authorised.

How to apply: apply online

Further details: https://grad.uwo.ca/finances/external_funding/ogs.html

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