Servo Direct Limited's Front Desk:Sales Personnel

Servo Direct Limited’s Front Desk/Sales Personnel

Front Desk/Sales Personnel

  • Job Type: Full Time
  • Qualification:
  • Experience: 2 – 5 years
  • Location: Lagos
  • Job Field: Customer Care  , Sales / Marketing / Retail / Business Development 


  • To do administrative work at the front desk and give good customer service to clients.
  • Answer calls from customers
  • Help people who walk in
  • Handle the accounts of all online clients.
  • Create an online sales strategy to boost sales and site traffic.
  • Keep a good filling system in place
  • Answer calls from customers and take care of their orders
    Respond to enquiries via mail
  • Update the list of possible new clients
  • Follow up with old customers and let them know about new products, price changes, and sales through SMS, email, or a CRM system.

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  • Any other tasks that the Department Head or Manager gives them.
  • Know how to use the Microsoft suites well.
  • Must know how to use computers.
  • Must be able to pay attention to the little things.
  • Must have independent  problem solving skills
  • It’s very important to be able to talk to people.
  • Attention to details
  • The person applying must be willing to work with others.

Those who want to apply and are qualified must live in Ikeja or nearby.

Application Method

If you are interested and qualified, send your CV to [email protected] with the position as the subject line.