In Demand job opportunities in France
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In Demand job opportunities in France

Are you someone who wants to build a career in France along with the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and glamour of this European city, then you are close to archiving your dreams?

Aside from the fact that France is among the most beautiful cities in the world, it’s known also for its marvelous culinary art/skill. Apparently, that alone is enough to make one’s stay enjoyable and worthwhile.

There are a number of job opportunities for immigrants that would be a guide to the doors of success. Thus most jobs major in food and drink, aerospace, tourism, and what have you. Punctuality is essential to the French people, to them, that is what shows a person’s focus and commitment to work, and coherency in communicating is crucial as well.



Below are some of the good jobs in France:


France is among the countries with the strongest and most powerful airline industries in the world. Therefore, you are expected to be well trained with good experience that you can apply. It is estimated that a pilot in France earns not less than $ 7,000 to $12,000 per month with an average salary of $71,420 – $95,420. Although getting a job in this sector is a bit of a stretch.

Real estate agent

A real estate agent in France earns approximately €43,000 per year. A real estate agent is one who is saddled with the responsibility of searching for a suitable home for people to live in so if you are one this is for you only that, before one becomes a real estate agent it is required of him by the country to acquire a carte Professionelle issued by the Cambre de Commerce et d’industrie as without the aforementioned there won’t be a guarantee for that kind of job.


Apparently, nurses are in high demand almost everywhere, well if you have a degree in Nursing this is for you. Although nurses with a degree specifically are needed in high massive numbers in France even, you are expected to apply for a license before practicing. A nurse’s Salary in France is around €30,000 per year.



For this profession having more qualifications other than a degree is an added advantage. The teaching job is available for all but strongly for English teachers as there is a high demand for English teachers in France with a requirement of versatility in French. But the pay is not too much as it ranges from $2000 to $4000 per month though it increases with time.


Lawyers are among the most paid professionals in France with an average salary of €107,960 worth. proficiency I’m both English and French with a degree in law is all it takes to become a lawyer in France.


Tourism management

This includes the sectors of tourism like event planning, travel agencies, and so on. The requirement for the above job is participating in an eight-month internship in order to have a good knowledge of how to go about the job and hit.


There is a massive demand for physicians and they (including others under medical professionals) are among the most paid professionals in France with a salary of $7000 a month.


To be a salesman in France, articulation, and eloquence (especially French) are expected of one who wants to work as a salesman. The average pay of a salesman is €31,000 per year. Aside from the requirement of efficiency in language and communication, there is nothing more to worry about.

Business Manager

A degree in business administration or any other field with excellent leadership skills is all that is expected from you to get this job. The pay for this job is an average of €40,000 per year.

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