How To Get A Temporary or Permanent Resident Permits for Australia

How To Get A Temporary or Permanent Resident Permits for Australia

How To Get A Temporary or Permanent Resident Permits for Australia

If you’re considering making Australia your permanent home, understanding the process of becoming an Australian Permanent Resident is essential. Obtaining a permanent visa opens the door for you to reside in Australia indefinitely, granting you access to its multitude of opportunities and benefits. There are several pathways to acquiring permanent residency, each tailored to accommodate diverse circumstances and aspirations.

One common route is through family visas, which allow individuals to join their Australian citizen or permanent resident family members. This option fosters family reunification, enabling loved ones to reside together in Australia and build their lives as a cohesive unit within the country’s borders;


  • Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) visa
  • Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa
  • Skilled independent visa
  • Skilled Nominated visa
  • Distinguished Talent visa
  • Business Talent (Permanent) visa


Benefits for Permanent Residents

Permanent residents of Australia can:

  • keep on living in the country indefinitely;
  • move to Australia to learn and work;
  • signing up for Medicare, the national health insurance program;
  • submit loan applications to financial institutions;
  • encourage qualified family members to apply for permanent residency;
  • the process of becoming a citizen;
  • use New Zealand as your place of employment;
  • if your travel facility allows it, go to and from Australia as much as you like;
  • Participate in the Adult Migrant English Program’s free English classes.


Application Procedure for a Temporary Residence Permit

As previously discussed, the process of applying for a temporary resident permit is identical to that of applying for any of the other temporary residency visas for professionals. Examples of such things for workers: