If you marry a Canadian Lady, you can move to Canada. Usually, you need years of experience in a certain field of work to move to Canada through other programs.
You may need to compare your jobs, degrees, and other things, but marrying a Canadian girl will make it hard for you to move there without a lot of trouble.
The Canadian embassy in your country is where you can start a family reunion application. Getting married is the fastest way to get the papers you need to move to Canada.
How to get Canadian citizenship and live there by getting married:
The non-Canadian party must apply for permanent residence with the help of the Canadian party as the Canadian spouse or spouse.
The Canadian government will think about this application in 6 to 12 months. During this time, the Canadian Ministry of  Immigration will make sure that the marriage is real and serious.
The marriage must be real, and its goal is to be a real marriage. His real goal is not to get Canadian citizenship. Finding the right Canadian partner is all you need to get married in Canada. You don’t need a higher degree.
All you need is for the Canadian girl to be trustworthy and to be open to the idea of getting married through online dating and social networking sites.
Below are the most important information and application you need before relocating to Canada.
Find and choose a wife from Canada:
Many young people meet Canadian girls for marriage on social networking sites like Facebook or marriage sites, where they can learn about each other’s age, family situation, place of residence, and hobbies until they arrive.
Canadian girls often look for young men who like being married and know how to take care of a family.
If you marry a Canadian girl, you will be able to live there at a secret time. The record is based on the family gathering for the State of Canada Act.
How to Have a Family Get-Together:
After you and your Canadian partner agree to get married, you can start bringing your family together after putting the marriage contract in writing in one of two ways:
You can get a visa to visit Canada, sign a marriage contract in Canada, and then apply for a visa extension and transfer it to a residence after you’ve told Canadian authorities about the marriage and asked them to let you stay longer in Canada so your family can be together.
The Canadian girl comes to visit you in your country, where the marriage contract is signed. To get a Canadian visa, you must send the marriage contract to the Canadian embassy in your country.
When a man who lives outside of Canada marries a Canadian woman, Canadian law doesn’t say that they can’t be together. Instead, it lets the married couple get back together and live together in Canada. This is because the goal of marriage is to build a family, not just to get to Canada, which is what many people use as an excuse.
The Canadian government doesn’t like this and wants all parties involved to know that they will be sent back to their home country.
Thanks. I hope this helped.